Thursday, January 8, 2009

No carbs...only protein

Tonight I served another grand dinner. With hubby still working till 7 I have really slacked some nights on our dinner selection. Tonight was no different. So I opened, heated and served Spaghetti-O's. Josh & I had plain while Andy had Alphabet Meatball. After praying over my glorious meal Joshua kindly asked Andy for a meatball. Andy obliged. Josh then asked politely for a second. Again Andy fished out a meatball. However this time it had alphabet noodles attached. Joshua quickly said that he didn't want the spaghetti'o noodles on it. So Andy popped the meatball up to his mouth and sucked them off, then quickly threw the meatball into Joshua bowl. Well you would have thought that Andrew had launched a turd into the bowl from Josh's reaction. His jaw dropped and a bellowing "OH MY GOSH...I KNOW YOU DIDN'T JUST PUT YOUR SPIT ALL OVER MY MEATBALL" came blurting out. Meanwhile I was practically on the floor laughing. Joshua then plucked the meatball out of the bowl and threw it back into Andrew's and fished his another meatball out. I guess you had to be there. I told hubby when he came home and I still can't stop laughing. You gotta love kids.

1 comment:

Carla said...

OMG!! THAT is SOOOO Johnathan & Emilea!!!!!!! ROLLING!!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh, Joshua & Andrew!!!!! I miss you guys!!