I've spoken before about how music seems to generate memories for me. Well today was no different. The song "Gloria" came on and fond memories of my co-worker came flooding back. I remembered how she said that at each family function that included music to include weddings and anniversaries that her dad would sing the chorus part of this song. Just really repeating the words Gloria in a chanting way. So on the way home a smile came across my face just thinking of Kathy and her matter-of-fact humor. She is truly missed at the preschool.
Shortly after the song ended I became a bit sad. The military life I lead increases my chances of meeting great people...only for them to move a million miles away. While I do love the perks of the military, the moving and loss of friends does bug me at times. Some friends you never lose contact with while others just seem to fade away. So as you ride from here to there and the tunes are on in your car remember great times from the past whether it's something that happened yesterday or 30 years ago. You never know what song may pop on have you thinking about the past, present or loved ones you know.
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