Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nerves of Steel

Today I watched my 16 yr. old baby drive away....alone! Yes, alone. Without adult supervision. Scary, huh? It's hard to let your little one go. Then tonight at the high school was a college information night. It was a double whammy for me. Not only was I slowly cutting the cord but soon enough my boy could be living in another state and I will have to learn to cope with his and my growing pains. While graduation seems so far away it really isn't. In just 13 short months I will be the proud mommy of a high school graduate. While he hasn't really decided what he official plans are I am hoping for college. He seems to still be holding out for the Coast Guard. ROTC at a four year school sounds like a great compromise to me. Doesn't it?


Carla said...

WOW!! You are brave!! lol I guess we have to let them go someday and trust the Lord to continue to lead them and watch over them....easier said than done, I'm afraid!!

Carla said...

Check out my blog....I've left you an award!!