Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When a girl's gotta go...a girl's gotta go!

I went for my renal/pelvic ultrasound today. It was the worst. No it didn't hurt, but the 32 ounces of water I had to drink about made me burst. I felt like my eyeballs were floating. I have never been in such agony as that. There I sat waiting for my name to be called. The first waiting room was the worst. Of all places they have the sign-in/registration area right next to a bathroom. Every time I heard the "ba-whoosh" of the toilet my bladder seemed to spasm. Then my name was called. The girl took off like a race horse. I called her back and explained that walking & trying to hold my thighs together was not working....she would just have to slow down to my turtle speed. The bad part was that she took my to another waiting area. There I was sitting with the same people from the 1st waiting area. After about 5-10 minutes of wringing my hands together I finally leaned over and asked the gal next to me how things were moving. She indicated that it was slow due to some emergency cases. Great!!!!! I then went in search for a restroom. I just needed to let some out. By the time I made my way back to the room they were calling my name. BUSTED!!!! Luckily the tech was understanding. We finished the first part of the exam and then hallelujah I was allowed to finish emptying my bladder. I've never had such relief. I'm glad I don't need these exams often.

On the upside the rest of my day has gone well. Tom came home in the nick of time to take Andrew to baseball and I have been able to do a little catch-up here on the home front. It's only fair, as I did baseball last night, right? I'm certainly looking forward to Wed & Thurs. night when we have no baseball practice at all. YEAH!!! I think I'll go make something sweet to celebrate the next two free nights.

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