Friday, October 17, 2008


Good Morning! I am up and chipper on a Friday morning. Not really anything special to look forward to just happy that today is Friday. This week seemed to drag on. I suppose it could also be that while my vacation is getting closer it just still seems like it will never get here. Hubby & I can't wait to tell the boys. I think we've decided to tell them on Halloween. This should get them pumped to run the neighborhood in search on candy. I know they will be excited because I am. Especially since I'm nominating Mickey Mouse for President. Unfortunately I'm not really impressed with either candidate at this moment. All of this mud slinging and policy chatter is starting to get to me. Throw in the millions of signs that are popping up and it's over kill. I'm looking forward to election day coming and going so that TV will get back to other news stories. Don't get me wrong, I'm still voting just not quite sure who should win or who will win. Guess we'll all have to wait and see on the 4th.

1 comment:

Carla said...

when do you leave???