Thursday, October 9, 2008

Feelin' blue

Just down right feeling yucky these past couple of days. Both hubby and I have visited our local Emergency room (local nut house) this week. There are lots of stories I could write about that occurred in the E.R. Sometimes you just wonder where these people come from. Whatever happened to maintaining decency and class. Apparently that all goes out the window the moment you step through the hospital doors. There was screaming patients, police with evidence bags, a naked drunk man whom exposed himself at each opportunity and the list goes on. Needless to say I was fine and after 11 hours just wanted to go home. Hubby on the other hand has kidney stones. OW! That sounds painful. But we need to mend quickly for the weekend festivities. We have homecoming this weekend and that cannot be missed. It's always fun to see all of the youngsters dressed up and looking their best. We also have some Cub Scout activities to attend so the weekend will be busy. Essentially there is no time for illness. We just need to get better and stay better. Bottom line. :-)

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