Monday, March 3, 2008

Laundry Day

My laundry seems like a never ending task. I feel like I do 50 loads a week. The more I wash the larger the dirty heap of clothes seems to grow. I wash, dry, fold, iron and repeat this cycle on what seems a daily basis. Once upon a time I used to do laundry once a week. Now I'm lucky if I can get away with doing laundry 3 times a week. I've even placed a laundry basket in each child's room and now do their laundry in one large load. This makes it a bit easier to fold as each load is then promptly returned folded and neat in a basket. However now I am starting to feel overwhelmed amongst all of the other household chores. So we will now be having family clean-up day on Saturday mornings. Tom & I are planning on assigning weekly rotating jobs to the boys and working for at least 1 hour each Saturday morning. Kyle is a great help already, but a few extra helpful chores won't kill him. Andrew will now tackle vacuuming the stairs while I will teach Joshua the art of scrubbing tubs & toilets. I'll let you all know if this plan works out for us. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Carla said...

Yeah....let me know if you get a plan that works for you. I sure haven't! Not even yelling and threatening works for me! lol

Ellen said...

We are officially setting up a job chart.... we'll report back the success of such an undertaking

Carla said...

I am waiting anxiously for your report!! ha!