Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Game of Life

This picture accurately describes my life. 1 minivan (I want a white Honda Odyssey), a Hubby & 3 boys. Take notice that I'm in the driver's seat. Hubby scares me with his erratic driving skills. Anyways, like the game of "Life" I have had many peaks and pitfalls. However last night I had to show some young whipper snappers how to play the game and be successful at winning. I choose to go to college first instead of starting a career. I then married and purchased a moderately priced home. I snuck through the game with no stock purchases and no children. I retired in Millionaire Estates and was proclaimed the winner with a cash value of 1.4 million. While money isn't everything, I could easily become extra happy with assets like that.

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