Thursday, June 18, 2009

Conversations from the backseat

Here are two conversations I overheard today between the boys

A: Hey J I know something. The more you drink means the more you have to pee, and the more you eat like me means the more you poop.

J: Where did you learn that?

A: I just thought it up in my head...and it makes sense.

Later that day again in the car:

J: Hey Mom, so if a girl asks me out next year what am I suppose to say?
(before I can answer A pipes in)

A: J you just smile at them and tell them funny jokes. That's how you make a girl wanna go out with you. That's what I do.

Mom: Um, there will be no "going out" with anyone till your it?

I am so much trouble when A gets bigger. He's already a bit of a Casanova.


Carla said...

OMG!! That A is a HOOT!! Can he come stay with me for a bit??

Lynette in Delaware said...

Too Funny!!!