Here's a picture of my baby brother sitting pretty and checking out my family's latest addition(gerbils). Once they drew his attention he was mesmerized by them. He even danced around on his hind legs to get a better look.
We took the little guys to the base's Children's Mobility Line today. Here they went through and collected items to keep and tried on various "real-life" gear. They each were given an Air Force backpack and filled them with loads of other free give-aways.
Here are my two Beetle Bailey's!
J decked out in a flak jacket and Kevlar helmet.
A showing off some chemical gear
J on an USAF ATV. He totally wishes he had one of these at home.
J checking out the scope on this firearm.
Good old McGruff was there for photo ops.
A with his chance on the ATV.
A was a super cute fireman on & off the engine.
All in all we had a great day. It was a bit chilly.... but fun. We are looking forward to more summer surprises. We took in a juggling act last night at the local library and ice cream cones for the trip home. We are just hoping to be able to hit the base pool soon. It is summer after all!
Kids are cute....but those Gerbils, not so much!! And you have them out where you can see them and they can see you!! YIKES!! I prefer out of site, out of mind!!
I have them downstairs because they are actually very entertaining and socialable. I shall bring you some when i come for a visit. The kids would love some "rats" of their very own.
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