Saturday, May 31, 2008

You gotta love the Blue's Brothers! I believe I have mentioned before that our oldest was invited to a special "Sweet 16" party. The family went all out! The invites were like wedding invitations and the theme was "Famous Couples". His girlfriend was unable to attend due to a family trip and he chose the next best person "J". "J" is a great kid and filled in nicely as Jake from the famous montage. From the fedora's to the shades and the infamous jailhouse knuckle tattoos (no they are not real). These two really did their homework. I believe Belushi & Aykroyd would be proud of these two young men. While dropping the duo off I snuck a peek at J.F.K ,Willie Nelson & a Barbie and Ken also making their entrance. To be young again and carefree. So here I am blogging and updating and looking forward to the pick up at 11pm. Maybe I can snap a few shots from the party goers tonight.

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