Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Swine flu

I have tried not to buy into the frenzy of the "swine flu" but that has all changed. A note came home with both little guys yesterday that a student within the school was confirmed with the "swine flu" and that up to 3 students were pending confirmation results. Apparently the confirmed case was in a Kindergarten class. Great "A" is a kindergartner. I was in a bit of a panic but was calmed by hubby that I was just overreacting. Then a friend called today to say that she had received a phone call home today indicating that her son's 3rd grade class was exposed to yet another confirmed "swine flu" student. What? "J"is in the 3rd grade and just right across the hall from this class. The walls are closing in on me. I'm half tempted to collect their school work and home school for the remainder of the year. Especially since I will be off for the summer as of Thursday. YEAH! Anyways....I was hoping that once more confirmed cases came in that they would shut the school down to slow the spread. A girl can hope can't she?

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