Mess, what mess? This is the response you would get from my children when asked about today's happenings.
Let me set the scene. I have been teaching Vacation Bible School since June13. Coupled with a crazy weekend that included participating in a yard sale, 2 birthday parties, Boy Scout Court of Honor as well as washing my older son's clothes because he has a less than a 24 hour pass on the weekend from camp.
Needless to say I was whipped. Today we ran to the base clinic and saw the doc and came home to do some much needed chores. I am a clean freak and I love to have the house in a neat and orderly fashion. So, after cleaning I sat down with my two little buds and was watching the last half of their movie with them. Apparently I was too comfortable and drifted right off to sleep. Now this was a half/awake, half/asleep nap as I do remember talking to the boys (with eyes shut of course) and answering questions. But the pictures posted will tell a 1000 words. I awoke to a tsunami of toys and mess. They had practically pulled all their games out into my foyer floor. The living room was littered with Lincoln logs and back packs and odd toys. The dining room table was a sea of erector set parts and the camera tripod was now a make shift campsite. Guess what we will be doing tomorrow morning?