Friday, March 19, 2010

You just have to laugh some days and this was one that cracked me up today. I stole this from someone else's site...she probably pirated it from someone else's as well. I should be doing the boat load of paperwork I have but instead I'm playing on the computer. My weeks are starting to blend together and I'm having trouble figuring out where one ends and the other begins. But as luck would have it the weekend is suppose to be gorgeous and this happens to be my first weekend off since January. Yeah!!!!! I am so looking forward to a little down time in May, but I'll settle for a week off in April. I hope to get back on here and post a few pictures of the boys from the play. They did a fabulous job last weekend and now we've moved on to soccer and golf practices. Keep checking back I should get around to it sometime this century. :-)


Carla said...

Well, glad to see you got a tiny bit of computer time! Hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!!!

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LOL love the pic!

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