Sunday, January 3, 2010

Do you hear what I hear?

That's the sounds of backpacks being zipped, lunches being prepared, shoes being hunted down, laundry being folded and put away, showers being taken and teeth being brushed. Yes, its time for the boys to head back to school, and I'm all smiles. However I'm not the only one smiling. The boys are ready to get back to school and see their friends. The holiday break was good but I think were all ready to get back to business. The weather has been terrible here the past few days with 20 degree temperatures and wind gusts in excess of 50 mph. I'm already looking forward to an early Spring. Well it's off to bed and early to rise.....looking to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Happy New Year 2010!


Carla said...

Em wants to know if y'all have SNOW?!?!?

Ellen said...

We had snow but it's melted away except for the few random piles in the parking lots. However it's freezing here and we are suppose to get snow showers on Friday.