Sunday, August 3, 2008

Party Bugs

Move over Colin Cowie(party planner for the stars) as Joshua is learning the ropes and about to take over. My in-laws threw a combined party this weekend for both of their birthdays. This gave Josh the opportunity to show off his hidden talents. He really enjoyed setting up for the party and butlering the appetizers. After that he put on a diving show with the neighbors kids for entertainment. He truly has a innate knack for party entertainment.

This weekend has also proved interesting as after breakfast this morning we hit the VW beetle car show. Andrew loves "Herbie's". I however made the mistake of saying to him that we were going to a Herbie show. He thoroughly enjoyed walking around and looking at all the Herbie's and their eyes (headlights) but started to cry when I said it was time to leave. He thought because I said we were going to a Herbie show that we were going to see a "show" with Herbie cars. I quickly had to explain and bribe with chocolate to stop the tears. :-) So now I'm trying to talk hubby into buying a Herbie for me, because of the kid of course (wink, wink).

1 comment:

Lynette in Delaware said...

You make me laugh. What a good Mom you are. I think you do need to get a VW...(for the kids of course).

Josh cracked me up at the "swimming show"
Your kids are great!